The Bhopal Gas Leak, Who Were Railway Men?

Dastagir was running from one platform to the other, trying to help the people in any way he could. He made an SOS call to the nearby stations, after which, 4 ambulances, paramedics, and railway doctors reached the station to help people.

Despite all efforts, escaping the poisonous gas proved challenging. While on one hand, some had fled their homes to reach the station, on the other hand, more people headed to hospitals. Obviously, if someone experiences burning eyes and breathing difficulties while sleeping at night, they’ll go to a hospital.

However, the challenge was that neither the railway doctors nor the hospital staff understood the nature of the situation. These symptoms were unfamiliar to them, and they struggled to identify the illness or its cause. 3 km from the Union Carbide factory, was Bhopal’s Hamidia Hospital.

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