The Dark Reality Of World’s Fattest Country

They had no future plans. But the future couldn’t be delayed. By the 1990s, The depletion of phosphate reserves began. Many of their international investments crashed. Airlines were incurring heavy losses. Tourism never really took off. The economy of the country was on the verge of crashing. Nauru’s government looked for more ways to make money.

In 2001, Australia established a detention Center in Nauru for processing refugees. Several Afghans, Sri Lankans, Iranis, Iraqis, Pakistanis etc. Who tried to get to Australia by boats, Were temporarily housed in muddy tents in the middle of this island. Australia promised to pay a fee to Nauru for every detainee housed there. But this detention center was heavily criticized, Due to the outrageously bad living conditions.

By 2010, the phosphate was completely depleted. Unemployment rates were at a record high. The negative effects of climate change could be seen in Nauru. Threats of coastal erosion, frequent flooding, and acidification of the ocean were everywhere. But more than climate change, the blame fell on the phosphate mining.