The Dark Reality Of World’s Fattest Country

Imagine a country which was the second richest in the world 35 years ago. And today, it is the least visited country. No one wants to live in this country. No one wants to visit the country. If you happen to go to this island now, the view would be like this. Obese people everywhere. High rate of obesity even in children.

The government tries to introduce campaigns to motivate people to walk more. But even on this small island, Instead of walking people use scooters to go from one place to another. Recently there was a case of a person ordering a luxury Ferrari car in Nauru, By the time the car reached there, The person was so fat, that he couldn’t get into the car. This is an actual news article.

This story isn’t restricted to the Pacific islands only. The impact of American junk food companies can be seen in several countries around America. For example, Mexico, in 2019, Mexico was a country with. The highest consumption of carbonated soft drinks, 630 8-ounce servings per capita per year. Due to this, around 29% of the Mexican population is obese. And 65% of the population is overweight.