The Dark Reality Of World’s Fattest Country

According to a report, Coca-Cola funded scientists to shift the blame of obesity from Coca-Cola to bad diets. Similar to our biased media, they use some illogical manipulation to claim that people simply need to exercise more. Instead of thinking about cutting calories, they want you to believe that you can happily consume junk food as long as you exercise. Such advertising campaigns have been so successful in their home country. That America has one of the highest rates of soft drink consumption.

America is at the 12th spot on the list of obese countries. 36% of the adult population is obese. And 68% are overweight or obese according to data from 2016. Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are also among the Top 30. And these countries have high rates of soft drink consumption. This phenomenon can be seen spreading across several other countries.

Such as in the Middle East and North Africa. And to some extent, in countries like India as well. Processed unhealthy food, consuming more added sugar, Lack of physical activity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Even cars should be given a credit for that. When urbanization is carried out with car-centric infrastructure. Highways at every crossroads, parking space in every building to accommodate everyone’s car, and buildings being so distant from each other that cars become the default form of transportation,