The Dark Reality Of World’s Fattest Country

Nauru’s case isn’t isolated. If you look at the list of the Top 10 Most Obese Countries, You might not have heard the names of the countries on this list. There’s Nauru at #1 followed by Palau, Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, Niue, Kiribati, Tonga, Samoa, and Micronesia. Do you know what these countries have in common? All of these countries are situated in the Pacific Ocean. And are small island countries.

If you see the photos and videos of these islands, you‘ll see how beautiful these places are Perfect beaches, coral reefs, tropical forests, It’ll seem that any person living here must be super healthy and fit. They’ll have fresh coconuts right from the trees, And they’ll fish every day for their meals. So how could these countries fall victim to obesity?

Let’s understand with the help of Nauru’s example. This is a tiny country. In fact, the third smallest country in the world. There’s only 1 island of about 21 km². Only 12,500 people live on this island. World’s smallest island nation. Once, this used to be a beautiful untouched island.