The Hidden Truth Of Ramayana! Was Ravan Good?

The Hidden Truth Of Ramayana : Have you read Valmiki’s Ramayan? Even if you haven’t you surely know the story. Lord Ram, along with his wife Sita and younger brother Lakshman, goes into exile in a forest for 14 years. While in the forest, Sita gets kidnapped by the demon lord Ravan, in response, Ram sent his peace messengers Angad and Hanuman asking Ravan to free Sita.

When Ravan declines, a war breaks out, at the end of which, good triumphs over evil, and Ravan was defeated. Every year we celebrate this. The victory of good over evil. Justice over injustice. Doesn’t this seem like a simple story? But this story might not be as simple. Especially if you go through the WhatsApp messages circulating nowadays, or the social media posts, that go against the narrative of Hero Ram versus Villain Ravan.

In fact, do you know that there are some temples in our country where Ravan is worshipped? Such as this temple in Madhya Pradesh’s Ravangaon. Or the Dashanan Ravan temple in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur. Or this temple in the Greater Noida. In Rajasthan’s Jodhpur, and even in Andhra Pradesh, you’d find temples devoted to Ravan, where the worshippers chant Jai Lankesh and Jai Ravan Baba.

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