The Kerala Story! True Or Fake?

How many were women? Approximately 13 women. How many women were from Kerala? Only 6 women were from Kerala. Out of these 6, how many women were converted to Islam from other religions? 3 women. Out of these 3, 2 were Christians and only 1 was a Hindu.

The events shown in the film happened to 3 women in real life but not in the manner, shown in the film. However, the film claims that this happened to 32,000 women. This is the Big Lie, friends. This lie is so big that if a common man hears it, he will think that even if not 32,000, there must still be some truth in it.

This must have happened to a few 1,000 women. If not thousands, then it must have happened to hundreds of women. No! Only 3 women. Now some of you might say, whether it’s 32,000 or 3 what difference does it make? The story remains the same. What’s the problem? There are many problems.