The Kerala Story! True Or Fake?

About 100 years ago, Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Germany, wrote a book called Mein Kampf. In this book, he talked about a propaganda technique called Big Lie. Hitler said that to manipulate people, you need to lie so outrageously to make people think that no one can make up such an outrageous lie. To make them think that there must be some truth in it.

When an outrageous lie is told with so much confidence, some people believe it to be true. People think that no one can lie so much.

Additionally, another propaganda technique as told by Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels said that repetition is also very important here. Keep repeating this big lie again and again. Repeat this big lie so many times that people get to hear the same lie from 4 different sources. By doing this, people become more convinced.