The Kerala Story! True Or Fake?

What Is The Truth?

In 2017, the Kerala government submitted a list of 90 cases to the NIA to investigate whether there was a Love Jihad angle or not. NIA examined 11 of those cases and concluded in 2018 that although PFI facilitated conversion, but not a single case was found where a person of whatever gender was being forced to convert.

If one proof is not enough, look at the other. The Union Home Ministry said the same in 2020. In 2020, Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy told Lok Sabha in a written reply that no case of Love Jihad has been reported by any central agency.

This conspiracy theory of Love Jihad is a Big Lie told to you using different angles. Politicians use it in their speeches you get these WhatsApp forwards from WhatsApp University talking about Love Jihad. And the propaganda news channels use Love Jihad as news.

This big lie is repeated so many times that people begin to think that there must be some truth in it. The same thing that we said in the beginning. The whole concept of Love Jihad is not only used to defame Muslims, but the concept goes against women.