The Kerala Story! True Or Fake?

Think about it, people who believe that a woman can be easily manipulated by a man, what kind of people are they? Are women cattle? Doesn’t a woman have a brain? Anyone can come and say anything, and women will meekly follow around like cattle.

Whether it’s a Hindu woman, a Muslim woman, a Christian woman, or a woman of any other religion. All women should come together to tell their religious leaders to mind their own businesses. Women have brains. If a man tries to forcefully convert a woman, she can go to the police. And the law states that if someone tries to forcefully convert another person, he will have to go to jail.

But the question is, how many people are being converted in India? Sometimes some Christian missionaries, or these Hindu priests or Muslim clerics become a little overactive in their preaching and the balance shifts a bit.

Like this 2016 news article, where the leader of Vishwa Hindu Parishad said that their organization has converted 750,000 people back to Hinduism in 10 years.

But if these religious leaders from different religions don’t interfere, and people want to convert of their own will, then you get to see a balance.

Look at the April 2021 report. 506 people registered that they want to change their religion with the Kerala government. 47% of these people converted from Christianity or Islam to Hinduism.