The Kerala Story! True Or Fake?

So it’s not like we are seeing more conversions to one religion. 2021 survey by the Pew Research Center showed the same thing. More than 30,000 people were surveyed and it was found that only 0.7% of people left Hinduism and adopted other religions. And 0.8% of people left other religions and adopted Hinduism.

We need to understand that merely for some political power, a very dirty game is being played here. Big lies are being propagated, conspiracy theories are being developed so that Hindus, Muslims, and Christians can be provoked into fighting each other. Some political parties benefit a lot if people are filled with hatred for people from other religions.

In the beginning, it was only WhatsApp forwards, then the propaganda-enabling media started doing this. And now, propaganda films are being made to mislead people. 100 years ago, this used to happen during Hitler’s rule as well. Many propaganda films were made. Many such films which distorted history of their own will, defamed Jews and glorified German Aryans.

Such big lies were propagated in those films. They were repeated to convince people. In the greed for power and money these people are trying to break the country from inside out. They who spread so much vile hatred should remember one thing, it is possible that they be successful in spreading fear, violence and hatred.

But they need to remember that this country has gone through a lot. Whenever any power tried to divide the country, the people of the country came together and bounced back.

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