The Truth About Ramayan

After this, in Shloka 95 to Shloka 106, Ram’s kingdom is described. This is the section which you can consider as the “and they lived happily ever after” section. Ram carried out the Paundarika, Ashvamedha, Vajapeya, and other rituals, and pleased the Gods. There was no danger from wild animals. There were no diseases.

There were no thieves or dacoits. People lived for thousands of years, without any disease or sorrow. The old people didn’t have to perform the last rites for young people. Trees bore fruits and flowers regularly. Clouds would rain at the right time. The touch of the wind was blissful. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra were doing their own work. They were satisfied with their work, were happy and without greed.

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