The Worst Plane Hijacking In Indian History

Actually, the hijackers wanted to take this plane to Pakistan. So this plane kept flying beyond Delhi towards Pakistan. Specifically, to Lahore’s airport. But the Pakistani air traffic controllers in Lahore Strictly forbade the flight from landing in their territory.

On the other hand, the Indian air traffic controllers came to know about this hijacking at 4:40 PM. And interestingly, our incumbent Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, And his Principal Secretary Brajesh Mishra came to know about this one hour later, at 5:20 PM.

At 06:04 PM, the Indian air traffic control tried to establish communication with flight IC814. Capt Devi Sharan tells them that the plane was running low on fuel. And they weren’t permitted to land in Lahore.

The captain requests the Indian air traffic control to ask their Pakistani counterparts. To grant them permission to land in Lahore. Because the hijackers were getting frustrated. The hijackers were threatening to kill the passengers. If they weren’t allowed to land in Pakistan.

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