Time Travel Explained : How Wormholes Work?

How Wormholes Work : The most amazing thing about our universe is, perhaps, its size. How unimaginably big this universe is! But, perhaps, this is the most disappointing aspect as well. Think about it, if today we use our powerful telescopes to find another planet like Earth in a galaxy, which is suitable for humans to live on, it will take centuries for us to reach it.

In fact, for all individuals leaving this galaxy is impossible. Now, everyone knows that the Earth is in the Milky Way Galaxy. And the closest galaxy to the Milky Way is Andromeda Galaxy. Approximately 2.5 million light years away from the Earth. So, if we use a spacecraft to reach there. With the usual speed of 28,000 km per hour it will take 94.5 Billion years to reach it.

Not only that, if we can somehow make the technology travel at the speed of light, it will still take 2.5 million years to reach there. This is truly disappointing. What is the point of finding all these planets when we will never be able to travel there? But if there were a shortcut to travel outside the galaxy, a shortcut through which we can travel across million light-years in a few months, then these things become interesting. These shortcuts, are Wormholes.