What Happened On The Concordia Cruise In 2012?

13th January 2012

At 7:15 PM. The world’s largest Italian cruise ship set sail for its 7-day European tour. This ship was named the “Costa Concordia”. It was so big that not only was it bigger than the Titanic, but it could seat an additional 2,000 passengers. That’s why 4,252 people are on board.

If we talk about entertainment, this ship had everything! 4 big swimming pools, 5 restaurants, 13 different bars, a casino, a basketball court, a huge fitness center which had a gym, a sauna, a Turkish bath, and even an F1 racing simulator was installed on this cruise ship.

The first destination of this ship was Savona, a city in Italy, it was supposed to take about a day to reach there. But only 2.5 hours after the ship departed, everyone heard a sudden piercing noise.

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