What If Whole World Runs On 100% Solar Energy?

Since then, the global demand has risen significantly. A better and more realistic estimate was published that looks like this. You can find it on landartgenerator.org website.

Here, it is assumed that the efficiency of the solar panels would be at 20%. In this estimate, the solar panels aren’t installed in only one part of the Earth. You can see multiple squares in various parts of the World. They have been fairly distributed, claiming that if solar power plants are installed in these squares, the global requirements for solar energy can be met.

The other assumptions while calculating these, and the exact calculations, if you want to know these, go to the website and check it out. But the bottom line is, we’d need about 500,000 km² land, We’ll have to install solar panels in this area to meet the global energy demands. 500,000 km² may sound like a big area, But don’t forget that the world’s biggest solar power plant in Rajasthan that we showed you at the beginning of this video, spanned around 56 km². So with 9,000 more such solar power plants across the world, we’d be done.

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