Why World War 1 Happened? The Real Reason

We will begin our story from the year 1878. There was a war between the Russian empire and the Ottoman empire. Ottoman empire was on one side and the Russian empire on the other helping the Balkan countries separate from the Ottoman empire. At the conclusion of the war, the Treaty of Berlin was signed in 1878.

According to this treaty, the Austro Hungarian empire was given the right to administer the region of Bosnia-Herzegovina temporarily. But the area would officially be a part of the Ottoman empire. But in October 1908, the Austro Hungarian empire annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina, Invaded there. This political caricature from then is very interesting.

The Ottoman Sultan, with his folded hands, is feeling helpless. Because of the internal problems in the Ottoman empire. There were internal revolutions. During this time, Bulgaria successfully separated from the Ottoman empire represented as the independent state in the middle. On the left, you can see the Austrian emperor, Franz Josef, is trying to steal Bosnia-Herzegovina. He is ripping it out of the map to steal it.

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