Why World War 2 Happened? The Real Reason

But by this point in time, many people in Britain believed that the contents of the Treaty of Versailles were very unfair to Germany. They were asking for such a large ransom, that crippled the country. And the country wasn’t even allowed to have military people consider it to be very demanding.

In June 1935, Britain signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement. This formally recognized that Hilter had the authority to form his navy. Germany could have an independent navy. But the growing militarization in Germany alerted France. France built a 450 km long fortification on its Eastern border. This was named the Maginot Line.

In 1938, when Hitler believed that his military was sufficiently prepared, he focused his attention on their neighbour Austria. Austria was a must-have country for Hitler. He wanted all German-speaking countries to unite as one nation. His ultimate goal was not only to conquer as many countries as possible to satisfy his pride, but also to acquire its resources to advance his own country.

The people Hitler believed to be racially superior, his Aryan race, he wanted to give them Lebensraum. To give them living space. So that they could live freely.

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