World’s First Flying Car Invented In Slovakia!

History Of Flying Cars

The year 1917, saw the first attempt at building a flying car. Or perhaps a roadable aeroplane. An aeroplane that can navigate roads too. It was named the Autoplane. This was built by Glenn Curtis. It was given the title ‘Limousine of the Year.’ But was this flying car actually able to fly?

It’s said that when they tried to fly it it lifted off the ground but unfortunately, it couldn’t fly properly. So the Autoplane turned out to be a failure. After this, we get to 1933, when the US Air Commerce Bureau conducted a competition, called the Flivver Competition. They challenged people to design an aeroplane that would cost less than $700 to build.

Many models were submitted in this competition, and one of these models was of the Aerobile. Designed by Walda Waterman. This was an aeroplane that looked like a car. It could take flight but never went into production, because they were going through the Great Depression. There were not enough funds to produce it. But what could be called the first successful attempt took place in 1945.

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