Mystery Of Hindenburg : The World’s Largest Airship

The World’s Largest Airship : 3rd May 1937, around 8 PM. A Hindenburg aircraft takes off from Frankfurt, Germany. This aircraft was headed to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, to New Jersey, America. It carried about 97 passengers, 36 passengers and 61 crew members. And when we use the word ‘aircraft’ here, We don’t mean an airplane. Instead, the word aircraft means an Airship. Hindenburg was an airship. The world’s largest airship.

245 meters long. Compare its size with today’s Boeing 747 aircraft and you will realize how big it actually was. Titanic, which was once the world’s largest ship, Hindenburg was only 24 meters shorter than it. This is why Hindenburg was called the Queen Of The Skies and was the pride of Nazi Germany.

The view inside the Hindenburg airship was amazing. People would see such luxuries while flying in the sky, which perhaps is lost today. People had separate rooms to sleep in, a separate dining room where everyone could eat together a separate lounge with a grand piano. There was also a reading and writing room and a ticket price was $700 at that time which is more than $7,000 today. Basically, only the rich could afford to travel in this.