Mystery Of Hindenburg : The World’s Largest Airship

To pass this test, he made LZ-4. But one night, after a strong storm the LZ-4 was left completely destroyed. This story is a very good example of this real-life quote.

“Try, try till you succeed”

Those who never stop trying, never fail. After so many attempts, Zeppelin finally started getting publicity. People started noticing how hard he was trying to build airships. He got more investments and he founded a company. He carried out improvements in LZ-3 and finally in 1908 test flights were conducted. Despite bad weather, these test flights were successful. LZ-3 was officially accepted by the government. And Zeppelin was highly celebrated. Over the next few years, Zeppelin made a lot of improvements but he die in 1917.

After World War I ended in 1918 and the Treaty of Versailles was signed it held that Germany was not allowed to keep military aircraft any longer. Till now, these airships were being used only for military purposes.