Time Travel Explained : How Wormholes Work?

Even though this is a solution to Einstein’s Relativity Theory, no one actually knows how white holes will form in reality. So, can a white hole exist or not? This is the topic of discussion among scientists to date. Some scientists believe that when Big Bang happened and the universe was formed, at that moment of creation, everything must have emerged from a gigantic white hole. Another theory is based on the idea by Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking said that a black hole will eventually evaporate when radiation keeps leaking from it.

But when a black hole evaporates and dies, what will happen to the information and matter inside it? Quantum Theory has a fundamental law which states that no information can be lost. It is called the No Hiding Theorem. According to the No Hiding Theorem, even if any information disappears from a system, it would still be existing somewhere or the other in the universe. Theoretically, if all this matter and information is being sucked into a black hole, it will be spitted out after the death of the black hole. And this is likely happening through a white hole.

Based on this argument, many scientists say that a white hole forms when a black hole dies. But till now, we do not have any substantial information about how a black hole dies. On the other hand, some scientists argue that it is theoretically impossible for a white hole to exist because it violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics. As you must have studied in school, the second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy in any system cannot be reduced.