Time Travel Explained : How Wormholes Work?

The 2014 film, Interstellar, in this film, it is shown that when Cooper and his team leave Earth in search of other habitable planets, in search of other planets like Earth, they travel to another galaxy. From their galaxy to another galaxy, they travel through a wormhole in a matter of minutes. There is the scene in the film when Cooper’s team passes through the wormhole. According to the film, this wormhole was discovered near the orbit of Saturn by NASA.

It is mentioned in the film many times because it plays an important role in the plot. But the most interesting thing is that this concept of wormholes is not science fiction. In fact, it is based on real science. What are wormholes exactly? And how can we use them?

Before understanding all this, we have to come back to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. When Albert Einstein wrote his Theory of Relativity, he wrote it in a set of equations. The set of equations is called Einstein’s Field Equations. It was first revealed publicly on 25th November 1915, when Einstein submitted his paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin, Germany.