Time Travel Explained : How Wormholes Work?

In total, these field equations are made up of 10 different equations. 10 non-linear partial differential equations. But in short, they can be represented by only 1 equation. And that equation looks something like this.

This one equation has a lot of complexity. These equations tell us how matter and energy influence the curvature of space-time. Albert Einstein said that to visualize this, we need to imagine a big mesh. When you place objects on this mesh, it bends down due to the weight. The space-time mesh also bends in the same way, it curves with the weight of big planets and stars. The more the gravitational force of a planetary object, the more the space-time mesh will curve around them.

Now the interesting thing is that Albert Einstein himself was not able to solve his field equations completely. He had just found an approximate solution to his equation in a specific case. The first person who solved these field equations was Karl Schwarzschild in the year 1916. He calculated exactly how much the curve of space-time bends and to what degree in case of a single ball of mass.