Time Travel Explained : How Wormholes Work?

It was the solution by Karl Schwarzschild which helped scientists understand the concept of Singularity. What would happen if this mass becomes infinitely dense? The curvature of space-time would wrap around it so tightly that this region would pinch off from the rest of the universe. With this, the scientists were able to theoretically prove the concept of Black Holes.

This was proven about 100 years ago. Actually, decades later, for the first time in 2019, scientists were able to take a photo of a black hole. So, basically, what we want to say is that one of the solutions to these field equations was black holes. Theoretically, we already knew about the existence of black holes about 100 years before they were discovered. And the thing is, that another solution to these field equations is Wormholes.

You might be thinking how can we solve one equation and get two solutions. Well, you would remember studying quadratic equations x2-5x+6=0 in school. This simple equation also has two solutions, x=2 and x=3. Both are correct. So, if you see Einstein’s field equations, they are much more complicated. Actually, there can be numerous solutions to these.

Wormhole is one suck solution and its scientific name of the Wormhole solution is the Einstein-Rosen Bridge. This name is derived from Albert Einstein and his assistant Nathan Rosen who worked together and came up with this solution in 1935.