Time Travel Explained : How Wormholes Work?

Once again, White Holes is a concept that has been proved theoretically by Einstein’s Field Equations. Apart from black holes and wormholes, white holes are another solution to these field equations. What are these white holes? Like white is the opposite of black, a white hole is the opposite of a black hole in every sense.

Like in a black hole, no light can escape once it is trapped inside. On the other hand, in a white hole, no light can enter. It can only be emitted by it. This means that the white hole will be extremely bright and white in color. Russian theoretical physicist and cosmologist Igor Novikov was the first person to use the term White Hole in 1964.

According to scientists, a white hole is basically a time reversal of a black hole. Like the event horizon of a black hole is a point of No Return. Once it is crossed, nothing can escape from it. Similarly, the event horizon of a white hole is a boundary of No Admission. Nothing can go beyond that point. The objects inside the white hole can go outside and interact with the outside world but they cannot go back inside.