What Happened To The Ozone Hole?

Since there was a smell, the gas was named after the act of smelling. 26 years later, in 1865, it was discovered that the ozone molecule is made up of 3 oxygen atoms. And later on, scientists also discovered that harmful radiations get blocked out by ozone. This gas turns into a dark blue liquid at a temperature of -112° Celsius. And at -193° Celsius, it becomes solid. A deep purple-coloured solid.

It was also found that exposure to this gas is actually toxic for humans. While in the atmosphere, this gas is definitely protecting us but in close proximity to humans, it is harmful to us. If we talk about the smell, it is similar to the smell of sparks from electrical equipment. Or the smell of the soil during thunderstorms. Some people find this smell sweet and fresh while others think it is metallic and like bleach.

In 1921, a British geophysicist, G.M.B. Dobson made a machine which can measure the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere. This machine is called Dobson Spectrophotometer. Even now, this is the standard device with which we measure ozone in the atmosphere while remaining on the ground.